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In all transparency, hair products have been the most difficult area to transition.
What I've learned so far:
Convert your hair brushes to natural fibers - I recommend wood brush with wood bristles, but you can also use a real boar's hair product (be wary of imposters)
Once you quit chemical hair care products, your hair basically needs to detox. It will be ugly. My ugly phase lasted about 3 weeks. Hair up, hat's on!
Heat really is terrible for your hair. If you can't air dry at least a few times a week, see if you can use the cold setting on your dryer once in a while. It will definitely take a bit longer, but you will most certainly notice a difference in the strength of your locks
I have SUPER oily hair naturally (the kind that needs to be washed EVERY SINGLE DAY), so I think my transition and experiments were especially rough. I tried making my own different natural shampoo formulas for about 3 months and finally purchased 3 different brands. Two were a massive fail for my hair qualities, and the third is ok if I mix in castile soap every 3rd day and cleanse with baking soda every 8th day. I will revisit making my own when this jar runs out

Check the safety of your favorite products: EWG or GOOD GUIDE
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