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Shave & scent have been the easiest transitions to make.
What I've learned so far:
Schmidt's deodorant is AMAZING; they offer sample packs, sustainable packaging and a subscription service! Don't be fooled by some of the other "natural" brands available on store shelves.
Switching from disposable razors to a safety razor was super simple and is a HUGE money saver! I recommend this razor for women; a shorter handle and slightly heavier weight for men. It will take about 20 years before I've spent the equivalent of 1 year's worth of disposables. PS - don't forget to recycle the blades!
It's true! Shaving cream is not necessary. There are plenty of natural recipes out there if you want a separate product, but I like to use my body wash as my shaving lubrication
You can easily make your own perfume (or cologne) by combining your favorite essential oils
Check the safety of your favorite products: EWG or GOOD GUIDE

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